Thursday, September 30, 2010

Stop Motion in the making

This week in art we worked on stop motion. stop motion is basically taking a bunch of photos, then animating them into a video! Ours was about a person who walks into a cave, finds a monster and freaks out.
 Us painting the monsters eye

Tracing the monster!

I thought this project was pretty darn amazing. I really want to do it again so that i can use all my other ideas!


About three weeks ago we did a value scale project with our sister school in Canada. They sent us pictures of themselfs for us to work with.

Each person picked a Canadian, then we traced the general shapes we saw. We got a nice sheet of paper, then transferred the tracing onto it. (We colored the back of the tracing paper, then put it on top of the white paper and re-traced it.) Once that was done we started shading! Mine was more on the dark side, but it still turned out ok.
Sorry the picture is sideways, it wouldn't rotate.

 I thought this project was ok, it wasn't as fun as all the previouse ones. I'm not sure if I would want to do it again or not, it was kind of boring.

It's not impossible to draw with light...

So in art awhile ago we practiced our drawing skills using glowsticks and a camera. We had to pick our groups, then thought up some ideas. Then we got a camera and had to adjust the shutter speed. We turned off all the lights, broke the glowsticks, and got drawing!

Our group didn't reaaly have a plan, so we just kind of fooled around. Here are some of our pictures:

 A failed smiley face and star...

 We tried to make waves

 I attempted to write my name

Sadly, this was our best one.

Overall, this was a pretty awesome project. I think that if we had more time and people in our group we could have done better, but thats ok! I thought this was pretty amazing.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hand Painting

Our first week of art was pretty exiting. We did contour drawings of our hands, and for homework we had to do a contour drawing of our hand in the shape of an animal. I chose a fish, because fish are pretty easy to draw :)

We shared our drawings in class, then we had the choice to paint on our hand!

After we finished painting, our art teacher took a picture and we had to go wash our hands. This was a really fun activity, and I hope we do something like it again!

Masking Tape Mural!

This week in art we worked on masking tape murals. We had to pick a spot, then plan out what we wanted to create. Our small group had many ideas (pencils, clocks, trees....), but we decided on an airplane with clouds in the shape of 2010. The first thing we had to do was think of about 10 ideas, then pick the two best ones and draw some thumbnail sketches. We then talked to each other, and decided that an airplane would be the most original idea, but it wouldn't be too hard. The next day, we started taping!

We started with the front of the plane to get a general idea. We wanted to add some depth, too, so we added in some cross contour lines.

After that, we wanted to make the plane look more three demensional, so we made the sides and tail of the plane on a diagnal. We also started on the 2010 clouds.

After the clouds, we added more tape to ensure that it would stick, then we were done!